Mecha ea litaba ea sechaba


ho tloha 2004, linaha tse 150+ 20000+ basebelisi

Pontšo ea pontšo ea Russia丨LXSHOW Laser e u memela ho nka karolo pontšong

Pontšo e kholo ka ho fetisisa le e nang le tšusumetso e kholo ea lisebelisoa tsa mochini oa Russia -METALLOOBRABOTKA 2023e tla tšoareloa Moscow EXPOCENTRE International Exhibition Center ka May 22-26, 2023. Pontšo e tla arolelana theknoloji e phahameng ka ho fetisisa ea ho etsa lihlahisoa tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa indastering ea mechine ea tšepe ea CNC le ho arolelana lisebelisoa tse ka sehloohong tsa ho sebetsa tsa CNC marakeng oa machaba. E le setsi se ka sehloohong sa moetsi oa lisebelisoa tsa laser lefatšeng le setsi sa mochini oa laser CNC, LXSHOW Laser e tla tlisa mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo joalo ka.sheet metal laser cutter3015DH,tšepe phala laser ho itšeha mochini62TN, lelaser cut/clean/weld3 ho 1.

Pontšo ena e tla bokella baetsi ba mabitso ba tsebahalang ba 1,186 indastering ea mechini ea CNC ho tsoa linaheng le libaka tse 33, 'me e shebane le ho bonts'a mahlale a macha, lihlahisoa, lits'ebetso le lits'ebeletso tsa likhoebo tse indastering ea metjhini ea tšepe ea CNC. Thepa ea lisebelisoa tsa tšepe le mahlale a koahetsoeng a kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa mochini oa ho itšeha, lisebelisoa tsa mochini oa tšepe, lisebelisoa tsa ho lahla, lisebelisoa tsa ho tjheseletsa, kalafo ea mocheso le lisebelisoa tsa kalafo ea holim'a metsi, lisebelisoa tsa ho itšeha ka tšepe, litsamaiso tsa taolo le litekanyo, lisebelisoa tsa ho lekanya le lisebelisoa, lisebelisoa tsa mochini. lisebelisoa, lisebelisoa, lisebelisoa le software, joalo-joalo. Likhoebo tse ngata tse tsebahalang, litsebi le litsebi tsa indasteri ea mochini oa CNC li tla tla ho etela le ho fapanyetsana.
Indasteri ea tlhahiso ke "motheo" oa nts'etsopele ea moruo oa naha, 'me indasteri ea tlhahiso ea mechini ea CNC ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea indasteri ea tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa, e sebelisoang haholo mafapheng a fapaneng a moruo oa naha le boemo bo botle ba meralo ea motheo. Ho ea ka Samodurov, molula-setulo oa Mokhatlo oa Russia Machine Tool Association, kakaretso ea lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao le lisebelisoa tsa mechine Russia e ntse e eketseha, empa tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa tse ngata e ntse e fokotseha, ha tlhahiso ea mekhoa ea CNC le litsi tsa mechine e ntse e eketseha selemo. ka selemo. Hona joale, Chaena e fetohile mohlahisi ea ka sehloohong oa lefats'e oa lisebelisoa tsa tšepe. China, Jeremane le Japane li hlahisa hoo e ka bang karolo ea bobeli ho tse tharo ea thepa ea lefatše ea ho lokisa tšepe. Ntlafatso ea maemo a tlhahiso le ts'ebeliso e atileng ea lisebelisoa tsa ts'ebetso ea tšepe e se e le litlhokahalo tsa bohlokoa bakeng sa tsoelo-pele e potlakileng ea mahlale le thekenoloji nakong e tlang.
Haufinyane tjena, Mopresidente oa China Xi Jinping o kopane le Mopresidente oa Russia Vladimir Putin. Putin o ile a hatisa hore o na le tšepo e kholo bakeng sa ketelo ea Mopresidente oa Chaena Moscow 'me a bolela esale pele hore palo ea khoebo pakeng tsa Russia le Chaena e tla feta liranta tse limilione tse likete tse 200 ka 2023. Putin o lumela hore setsoalle se tebileng pakeng tsa linaha tsena tse peli se tebile letsatsi le letsatsi, 'me kamano pakeng tsa linaha tse peli e tsoetse pele ho hola ho feta selekane sa sesole le lipolotiki nakong ea Ntoa ea Mantsoe. O ile a boela a bontša hore tšebelisano-'moho ea maano pakeng tsa linaha tse peli ke e pharaletseng 'me e kene mehleng e ncha.

Nakong e tlang, LXSHOW Laser e tla tsoelapele ho ts'ehetsa thomo ea mantlha ea ho theha lisebelisoa tse holimo tsa tšepe tsa CNC le likhoebo tsa tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa tsa maemo a holimo, le ho fa bareki mechini e metle haholo, lits'ebeletso tse betere, le litharollo tse felletseng tsa ts'ebetso ea tšepe ka laser ea maemo a pele. Theknoloji ea ts'ebetso ea CNC, E kenya ts'usumetso e tsoelang pele ho nts'etsopele ea boleng bo holimo ba indasteri ea mechini ea tšepe ea lefats'e.
Ketsahalo e kholo e tla buloa bohareng ba Mots'eanong ho isa bofelong. LXSHOW Laser e u mema ka tieo hore u kenye letsoho Pontšong ea Mochine oa Machaba oa Russia Moscow 'me u etele lephephe la LXSHOW Laser bakeng sa tataiso. Re labalabela ho buisana le uena ka tataiso ea nts'etsopele ea nako e tlang le ho thusa ntlafatso ea boleng bo holimo ea indasteri ea mechini ea tšepe ea CNC.

LXSHOW Laser booth renderings


Aterese ea pontšo:
14, Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya Moscow 123100
Pavilion:Holo 2.3

For more exhibition information, please pay attention to the official website www.lxslaser.com, or consult inquiry@lxshow.net

Nako ea poso: May-04-2023